Our Impact & Achievements

Over 1800+ better informed property industry professionals

Over 80 courses & seminars delivered

9 Sustainability Programs developed over 10 years
Our team at Green Gurus™ have pioneered sustainability awareness and education for property practitioners in Australia and have been recognized Nationally as the first to engage this vitally important sector.
- Since this time, we have delivered and have been involved in over 80 industry leading workshops and information seminars to over 1800+ industry practitioners in Perth.
- We have created 9 new programs focused on sustainable living, sustainable development and enhanced liveability outcomes for people.
- We have consulted to over 22 local and national property developers, driving real and positive long-lasting change in the built form.
- We have received funding from over 5 Local Government Agencies to deliver educational events and workshops focused on sustainable development, local government policy supporting ESD, sustainability innovation for the built form and sustainable living opportunities for end-users.
- We have been commissioned to develop and pioneer new place making and sustainable living educational programs specifically for strata buildings and the vertical community.
- We have worked for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage for the NABERS Apartment Building rating program as their Western Australian lead partner. We have collaborated with a number of strata managers, collecting energy, water and waste data for up to 50 buildings to assist in benchmarking for the future NABERS Apartment Building assessment tool.
- We have collaborated to deliver large-scale, flagship events like Perth Eco Fair (2015).
- We have published longitudinal studies and shared survey data annually to enhance knowledge of demand, trends and sentiment for sustainable development, benefiting other change makers and sustainability practitioners.
- We have provided important insights on sustainability infrastructure for strata buildings, which have now been included in regulation, planning policy and Strata Title Reform (Community Title Act and Strata Title Act amendments).
- We have been recognised in Western Australian and National sustainability and leadership Awards.